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``The Bucket Brigade`` Mannequin Display
"The Bucket Brigade" Display

With a little help from mannequins, we depicted the history of our client, AgroLiquid.  AgroLiquid develops and sells liquid fertilizers, with an emphasis on precision ag and sustainability. The company was founded in 1983 and grew from a regional supplier to an international business.

But this mannequin display in AgroLiquid’s museum takes viewers back to the beginning. It recreates a scene from the early years of AgroLiquid, when the founders were developing their formulas in bare-bones facilities.

The structure containing the mannequin scene resembles a shed. Inside the shed stand two mannequins, mixing solutions in large buckets and testing substances in mason jars. A sign explains the history behind this three-dimensional representation.

On the outside walls of the shed, TV monitors play videos of things “happening” inside the shed. They show modern AgroLiquid employees working in a lab, doing the same kinds of work as the founders, but in more advanced facilities.

Remembering their roots helps AgroLiquid show people just how far they’ve come. Whether they’re introducing themselves to potential business partners or teaching kids what it takes to make fertilizer, their history points to the role that innovation and progress play in modern agriculture.

Project Description

The creative concept for this display was first developed for AgroLiquid’s IQhub.

  • Shed structure
  • Mannequins and realistic tools
  • TV monitors

Client: AgroLiquid

Categories: Ag Careers, Ag Museums, Ag Science, Agribusiness, Agricultural Exhibit, Agricultural History, IQ hub

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