Tractor and Plow Display Promo

People who live outside of the farm don’t often get an opportunity to see agricultural processes at work. Not excluded is the process of nutrient creation. But we created a full-scale tractor and plow display for AgroLiquid to change this.

(You can view this agricultural exhibit on our custom products page.)

Superheroes of the Soil

When it comes to soil, cover crops are practically superheroes. But hardly anyone outside of the agricultural industry actually knows what they are. Therefore, as a part of increasing agricultural literacy, it’s important to teach consumers about the many hidden talents of cover crops.

According to, the most commonly used cover crops are legumes and grasses. However, other types are becoming more popular in recent years. Thanks to the network of roots developed by these plants, cover crops hold the soil together. In this way, they help prevent soil erosion.

Before planting time arrives, farmers can plow these crops into the soil. By doing this, they allow the cover crops to also act as a sort of natural fertilizer. These crops provide the soil with needed nutrients. We usually call these sorts of cover crops “green manure.”

Cover Crops Up Close and In Person

In this full-scale tractor and plow display for AgroLiquid’s IQhub, we created a life-like representation of cover crops being plowed into the soil. The display demonstrates the appearance of cover crops and one way in which farmers can use them as “green manure.” This highly detailed exhibit features a 1957 John Deere 820 tractor and moldboard plow. It also has a fabricated cover crop and soil. Offering a sort of action shot of a farmer at work, the recreated scene gives a close-up look at how farmers would use their moldboard plows to integrate cover crops into the soil.

To create this exhibition masterpiece, we used specific materials intended to mimic the texture of the plowed soil and to replicate the appearance of the typical forage grasses that are often used as cover crops. A life-sized mannequin sits at the wheel of the tractor. A three-dimensional barn facade holds a TV monitor, offering additional visuals to the visitors in the form of photos and videos. Signs wrap around the exterior portion of the exhibit. These contain informational text about cover crops. They also discuss various approaches to tillage, the history of plows, and different types of modern plowing tools.

(Source: “Cover Crops”)